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2-6 September 2024
Guergana Guerova and Stanislava Tasalova attended the 2024 EMS meeting in Barcelona, Spain.

11 July 2024
Congratulations to Victoria Pencheva and Ralena Ilieva for successfully defending their BSc and MSc theses! Many thanks to their scientific advisers Tzvetelina Dimitrova and dr. Krasimir Stoev!

1-5 July 2024
At the IGS workshop celebrating 30 years of operational service Guergana Guerova gave an oral presentation titled "GNSS Storm Nowcasting Demonstrator for Bulgaria".

28 May 2024
Congratulations to Stanislava Tasalova for the acceptance of her manuscript titled "Severe Weather Warnings for Sofia, Bulgaria: May - September 2010-2021" in journal Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences.

23-24 April 2024
Guergana Guerova presented "Climate, Weather and Natural Risks" research group at First annual conference of SUMMIT project.

29 February 2024
Congratulations to Nikolay Penov for successful PhD thesis defence today. The title of his PhD thesis is "Fog analysis and forecasting with GNSS meteorology and numerical simulations". Well done Dr. Penov! It was pleasure and privilege to work with you!

1 February 2024
The new member of SUADA team is Desislava Stoyanova which is registered as a PhD student. She will continue working on foehn as severe weather event. The scientific adviser of the thesis is dr. Krasimir Stoev (NIMH). Welcome to the team Desi!

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9 November 2023
Congratulations to Nikolay Penov for submitting for evaluation his PhD thesis today!

17 October 2023
It was pleasure to host Grzegorz Marut from SpaceOS of Wrocław University of Environmental Life and Sciences. During his visit a low cost GNSS station was installed and is currently in operation at Physics Faculty. Thank you Grzegorz for productive work during your visit in Sofia!

9-13 October 2023
Guergana Guerova attended the 20th ECMWF workshop on high performance computing in meteorology, 9-13 October 2023, Bologna Italy.

13 July 2023
Congratulations to Desislava Stoyanova for successfully defending her MSc thesis titled "Foehn in Vratsa as severe weather event"! Many thanks to the scientific adviser of the thesis dr. Krasimir Stoev!

17 April 2023
Congratulations to Nikolay Penov for the acceptance of his manuscript titled "Fog at Sofia 2010-2019: objective circulation classification and fog indices" in journal Atmosphere.

January 2023
Guergana Guerova is leading "Climate, Weather and Natural Risks" team in the project Sofia University Marking Momentum for Innovation and Technological Transfer (SUMMIT) funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Bulgaria.

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1 November 2022
Today Stanislava Tsalova gave an oral presentation titled "Mediterranean cyclones and severe weather warnings in Bulgaria" at the 2nd Annual Workshop: Climate and Atmosphere Research & Innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East.

21 October 2022
Congratulations to Martin Slavchev for successful PhD thesis defence today. The title of the PhD is "Analysis and forecasting of convection in Bulgaria with GNSS meteorology and Numerical modeling". Well done Dr. Slavchev! Best wishes for your career ahead!

3-30 October 2022
Dr. Rogert Sorí Gómez from Universidade de Vigo is visiting Sofia University for STSM titled "From meteorological to hydrological drought attribution in Bulgaria; the role of precipitation from terrestrial and oceanic origin" supported by COST CA19139 - Process-based models for climate impact attribution across sectors (PROCLIAS). Welcome to Sofia Roger!

16 September 2022
Martin Slavchev received best presentation award of the 8th GNSS colloquium. Well done Martin!

14-16 September 2022
SUADA team members Guergana Guerova, Bilyana Mircheva, Martin Slavchev, Nikolay Penov's and Stanislava Tsalova gave presentations at the 8th GNSS colloquium. The program of the 8th GNSS colloquium is available

14-16 September 2022
Sofia University hosted the 8th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS of the European Space Agency.

14 July 2022
Today Elzbieta Lasota defended her PhD thesis titled "Use of GNSS ground-based and satellite observations for tropospheric refractivity investigation" at Wrocław University of Environmental Life and Sciences. Ela's thesis was supervised by Prof. Witold Rohm (WUELS) and co-supervised by Guergana Guerova. Well done Dr. Lasota! Congratulations and best wishes for your career ahead! It was a pleasure and privilege to work with you! Thank you!

14 July 2022
Congratulations to Ralena Ilieva for successfully defending her BSc thesis titled "Saharan dust transport to Bulgaria"! Scientific adviser of the thesis was dr. Krasimir Stoev.

13-15 June 2022
Guergana Guerova was a member of Scientific organising committee of the 1st workshop "Data science for GNSS remote sensing", 13-15 June 2022, Potsdam, Germany. She chaired a session and gave presentation at the workshop.

20 May 2022
Manuscript titled "Combined space- and ground-based GNSS monitoring of two severe hailstorm cases in Bulgaria" lead by visiting fellow Eljbieta Lasota is published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. Thank you Ela for leading and completing this interesting manuscript!

4 May 2022
It is pleasure to welcome dr. Milica Stojanovic, a visiting Post-doctoral fellow from Universidade de Vigo, Spain. She will be with us until December 2022 and will work on her project "Atmospheric moisture transport and drought occurrence: Implication for vegetation in eco-regions of the planet”. Welcome in the team Milica!

1 February 2022
Stanislava Tsalova is accepted as a PhD student in the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. Welcome in the team Stanislava!

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22 October 2021
Today Krasimir Stoev defended successfully his PhD thesis "Mediterranean cyclones and severe weather events - the foehn in Sofia". Well done Dr. Stoev! Congratulations and best wishes for your career ahead! It was a pleasure and privilege to work with you! Thank you!

8 October 2021
Guergana Guerova presented "10 Years GNSS Meteorology in Bulgaria and Southeast Europe" at the Second National Space Forum.

10 September 2021
Guergana Guerova and Nikolay Penov's gave presentation at the 2021 virtual EMS meeting 6-10 September 2021.

30 August 2021
Dr. Jan Dousa, from G-Nut company, visit to Sofia University was very productive. Two GNSS stations were added to G-Nut real time processing for the Storm Demonstrator of G4N project.

26 July 2021
New GNSS station is installed in Balchik Botanical Garden of Sofia University. This station is the third GNSS station operated by SUADA team. Pictures are availabne here.

23 July 2021
Congratulations to Denitsa Dimitrova for successfully defending her BSc thesis titled "Weather application for smart devices"! Thank you Denitsa it was privilege to work with you!

9 July 2021
Congratulations to Krasimir Stoev for submitting his PhD thesis for evaluation today!

20 May 2021
Congratulations Bilyana Mircheva for successful PhD thesis "Anomalies of the components of the hydrology cycle in Bulgaria: 2003-2014" defence today! Well done Dr. Mircheva and best wishes for success in your job as aviation meteorologist! It was a pleasure and privilege to work with you! Thank you!

13 May 2021
Guergana Guerova gave a popular lecture about the "Weather prediction factories: how they work". The lecture is available here. Enjoy!

26 April 2021
Guergana Guerova presented "Thunderstorm Classification Functions Based on Instability Indices and GNSS IWV for the Sofia Plain" at the session AS1.27 Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) and possible impact on aviation management of 2021 EGU virtual general assembly.

1 February 2021
It is pleasure to announce that the SUADA team is starting a new project titled "GNSS nowcasting demonstrator". The project is funded by the European Space Agency's 6th call for outline proposals under the Plan for European Cooperating States (PECS) in Bulgaria. As a part of the project a public geoportal with real-time GNSS data products will be developed. More information coming soon.

29 January 2021
Congratulations to Bilyana Mircheva for submitting for evaluation her PhD thesis today!

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3 December 2020
Congratulations Tzvetan Simeonov for passing your PhD exam today! Excellent work Dr. Simeonov! Thank you for your pioneering contribution and ongoing support for the SUADA team!

1 December 2020
Congratulations to Krasimir Stoev for the recently published manuscript titled "Foehn classification and climatology in Sofia for 1975–2014".

20 October 2020
It is pleasure to announce that the BeRTISS project is included in the European GNSS Agency technology report for 2020. On page 71 is BeRTISS project summary.

1 October 2020
The SUADA team welcomes Elzbieta Lasota from SpaceOS of Wrocław University of Environmental Life and Sciences. Ela is our first visiting scientist and is working on GNSS-RO and Ray-tracing during extreme weather events. She will be visiting till 18 December 2020.

1 October 2020
Congratulations to Bilyana Mircheva for the recently published manuscript titled "Analysis of the 2014 Wet Extreme in Bulgaria: Anomalies of Temperature, Precipitation and Terrestrial Water Storage".

8 August 2020
It has been pleasure to collaborate with Marcelina Łoś, Kamil Smolak and Witold Rohm from SpaceOS of Wrocław University of Environmental Life and Sciences on the recently published manuscript titled "GNSS-Based Machine Learning Storm Nowcasting".

17 July 2020
Sofia University and Hail Suppression Agency collaborated on manuscript covering the progress in operational implementation of GNSS atmospheric remote sensing in Bulgaria. The manuscript "BalkanMed real time severe weather service: progress and prospects in Bulgaria" is published in the Advances in Space Research journal.

27 January 2020
On 30-31 January SUADA team is hosting the first colloquium “GNSS applications in the BalkanMed region”. The program is available here.

6 January 2020
It is great to welcome back Tzvetan Simeonov for a short visit SUADA team and meeting the new team member Ivanka Kabakchieva.

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6 November 2019
Guergana Guerova visited the High school "dr. Petar Beron" in Svilengrad and gave a lecture and practical session on the weather forecasting.

19 October 2019
Guergana Guerova, Krasimir Stoev and Bilyana Mircheva gave lectures at the 6th Annual meeting of the Bulgarian avio-meteorologic club, Panitchiste, Bulgaria.

9-10 October 2019
Guergana Guerova gave a lecture and Lab session at the 5th Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) detecting, monitoring and modeling summer school on 9-10 October 2019, Nicolosi, Italy.

23-24 September 2019
Guergana Guerova gave an invited presentation at GNSS workshop on 23 September 2019, at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland. Martin Slvachev and Tzvetan Simeonov also attended the workshop and gave presented their work.

7-11 September 2019
Guergana Guerova and Krasimir Stoev attended and presented the BeRTISS project in Bulgaria and foehn in Sofia at the 2019 EMS meeting 7-11 September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.

4-6 September 2019
Guergana Guerova was a panel member of "GNSS and climate change" and gave a presentation at 7th International colloquium of scientific and fundamental aspects of the GNSS at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

18 July 2019
Congratulations to Alexander Goshev for successfully defending his MSc thesis titled "Study of 2018 rainfall in Bulgaria with automated meteorologic stations operated by amateur"!

31 May-2 June 2019
Guergana Guerova, Nikolay Penov, Krasimir Stoev and Martin Slavchev are taking part in the Training “Physics and chemistry of the Earth System".

28 May 2019
Congratulations to Bilyana Mircheva for joining the Bulatsa's avio-meteorology team.

15 April-15 May 2019
Martin Slvachev visited the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences as a Polish National Agency for the Academic Exchange (NAWA) fellow.

7-12 April 2019
Guergana Guerova gave a poster presentation about BeRTISS project progress in Bulgaria at the session G5.2 Atmospheric Sensing and Applications of Space-Geodetic Techniques: State-of-the-Art and Challenges 2019 general assembly of EGU. Bilyana Mircheva's work was presented at the NH1.3/AS4.49 Understanding and modelling compound climate and weather events and their impacts session and Nikolay Penov's work was presented at AS1.2 Forecasting the weather and aviation meteorology session of the 2019 general assembly of EGU.

7-8 February 2019
Guergana Guerova, Krasimir Stoev and Keranka Vassileva participated and presented the progress in Bulgaria at the third BeRTISS meeting in Thessaloníki, Greece.

23 January 2019
Guergana Guerova is a member of A. Sa's PhD examination committee at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

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1 October - 30 November 2018
As a part of her sabbatical year Guergana Guerova visited the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. She collaborated with Prof. Witold Rohm and his team. It was very productive visit.

29 September - 6 October 2018
Bilyana Mircheva attended the convection module of the 4nd International Training School on "Convective and volcanic clouds detection, monitoring and modeling", Nicolosi, Italy, 29 September-6 October 2018.

29-30 September 2018
Guergana Guerova gave two lectures and one Lab session at the 4nd International Training School on "Convective and volcanic clouds detection, monitoring and modeling", Nicolosi, Italy, 29 September-6 October 2018.

3-7 September 2018
Guergana Guerova and Krasimir Stoev participated and presented their work at the 2018 EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 3-7 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary.

4 May 2018
BeRTISS project coverage by Nova TV news.

28 April 2018
Guergana Guerova and Biliana Mircheva participated in Open days of Physics Faculty of Sofia University.

26 April 2018
Congratulations to Martin Raychev and Yordan Katsarov for successfully defending their MSc theses!

31 March 2018
Guergana Guerova is editor of GNSS4SWEC final report. The report is sent for publication.

15-25 February 2018
SUADA website was not accessible between 15 and 25 February 2018 due to relocation of the hosting server. Thank you for your understanding!

15 February 2018
Guergana Guerova gave a lecture titled "Weather prediction with Global Navigation Satellite Systems" at the World of physics lecture series.

24 January 2018
Installation of the first school weather station at high school "dr. Petar Beron" in Svilengrad. Thank you Radostina Karamfilova, Krasimir Stoev and Alexander Goshev! The weather information for Svilengrad is available here. The weather station is part of the "Weather dairy" project.

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30 November 2017
Guergana Guerova gave an invited lecture titled "Weather prediction with Global Navigation Satellite Systems" at the 2017 celebration of St. Kliment Days at Sofia University.

21 November 2017
Guergana Guerova singed the article “Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice”, which was published in Bioscience journal. 15,364 scientist from 184 countries supported the article.

9 November 2017
Biliana Mircheva's first paper is published and available here. Congratulations Biliana!

31 October 2017
Congratulations to Ilian Manafov's for successful defense of his PhD thesis.

26 October 2017
Guergana Guerova attended and gave oral and poster presentations at the 6th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 25-27 October 2017, Valencia, Spain.

19 September 2017
The Sofia University booklet presents the BalkanMed Severe Weather Service project.

11-15 September 2017
Bilyana Mircheva attended the EGSIEM Autumn School for Satellite Gravimetry Applicaiton, 11-15 September, September 2017, GFZ Helmholtz Centre, Potsdam, Germany.

4-8 September 2017
Guergana Guerova was a co-convener of the session OSA1.4 "Meteorological observations from GNSS and Copernicus satellites" of the 2017 EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 4-8 September 2017, Dublin, Ireland.

18 July 2017
Congratulations to Bilyana Mircheva and Nikolay Penov for being selected as a new staff members at Bulatsa!

10-14 July 2017
Guergana Guerova and Krasimir Stoev gave lectures and demonstrations at the colloquium "Earth and cosmos".

26 June 2017
Today at 2pm is Ilian Manafov's PhD thesis presentation titled "Fog prediction at Sofia Airport".

3 June 2017
Guergana Guerova and Bilyana Mircheva gave presentations at the 5th annual meeting of the Bulgarian avio-meteorologic club.

27 April 2017
Congratulations to Gabriela Tepsizova for successfully defending her MSc thesis titled "Extreme weather events in South-east Europe: 2014 floods".

27 April 2017
Tzvetan Simeonov attended and gave a poster presentation at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017.

20 April 2017
Martin Slavchev attended and presented a poster at the 2nd European Hail Workshop, 19 -21 April 2017, University of Bern, Switzerland.

4 April 2017
Guergana Guerova gave an invite lecture titled "Weather prediction and the Global Navigation Satellite Systems" at the University of Mining and Geology ”St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, Bulgaria.

10 March 2017
The "Soil moisture and GNSS: Explained" video has been selected as one of the finalists in the 2017 EGU Communicate Your Science Video Competition. The public voting will open from Wednesday 15th March until midnight (CEST) on 27 April. Looking forward to the final results!

21 February 2017
Guergana Guerova, Anastasia Stoycheva, Martin Slavchev and Bilyana Mircheva attended the GNSS4SWEC final workshop in ESA-ESTEC.

10 January 2017
Nikolay Penov is accepted as a PhD student in the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. Welcome back in the team Nikolay!

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3 December 2016
The Ionosphere and GNSS: Explained is included at 2016 AGU Cinema. AGU cinema is to show samples and showcase the variety of films used in communicating science and in science education. The film was reviewed by the AGU Cinema 2016 group - including scientists, filmmakers, and educators.

8 November 2016
The GNSS Meteorology review paper is published in the Atmospheric Measurement Techniques journal.

4 November 2016
Keranka Vassileva presented our collaborative work at the 26th International symposium "Modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields" in Sofia, Bulgaria.

28 October 2016
Guergana Guerova chaired the PhD exam committee of Jens Bonevitz.

26 October 2016
Guergana Guerova gave two lectures at the 2nd International Training School on "Convective and volcanic clouds detection, monitoring and modeling", Tarquinia, Italy, 19-28 October 2016.

18 October 2016
Guergana Guerova was a member of the PhD exam committee of Damian Barantiev.

7 October 2016
Club Cyclone's first lecture for the academic year 2016/2017 was titled "Climatology of foehn in Bulgaria" given by Krasimir Stoev.

29 September - 2 October 2016
Guergana Guerova, Anastasia Stoycheva and Krasimir Stoev presented their work at the 3rd Congress of Physics, in Sofia, Bulgaria. Martin Slavchev and Ilian Manafov presented posters.

12-16 September 2016
Guergana Guerova gave and an oral and poster presentation at the 16th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology, 12-16 September 2016, Trieste, Italy.

1-2 September 2016
Guergana Guerova, Anastasia Stoycheva, Bilyana Mircheva, Krasimir Stoev, Martin Slavchev and Tzvetan Simeonov, attended the GNSS4SWEC working group meeting, 1-2 September 2016, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany. See the SUADA team pictures from the GFZ here and here.

29-31 August 2016
Bilyana Mircheva, Krasimir Stoev, Martin Slavchev and Tzvetan Simeonov, attended the 2nd GNSS4SWEC summer school, 29-31 August 2016, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany.

21 July 2016
Congratulations to Viktoria Kleshtanova for successfully defending her BSc thesis.

1 July 2016
Bilyana Mircheva and Krasimir Stoev are accepted as a PhD students in the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. Welcome in the SUADA team Bilyana and Krasimir!

21 June 2016
Bilyana Mircheva and Krasimir Stoev are the new members of the SUADA team. Biliana's PhD topic is Remote sensing the hydrology cycle with the Global Navigation Satellite Systems in South-east Europe. Krasimir will do PhD on Severe weather and the Mediterranean cyclones. We welcome them warmly and wish them success.

18 June 2016
Guergana Guerova attended the 4th annual meeting of the Bulgarian avio-meteorologic club and gave a presentation about COST Action ES1206 and the Bulgarian contribution.

12 May 2016
Tzvetan Simeonov participated in the final of FameLab Germany. You can see his performance here.

22 April 2016
Congratulations to Bilyana Mircheva and Nikolay Penov for successfully defending their MSc theses. Biliana's MSc thesis is available here.

10 March 2016
The SUADA team attended the 3rd GNSS4SWEC workshop in Reykjavik Iceland and gave 3 oral presentation at WG2 and WG3 sessions. The GNSS4SWEC community was invited to the residency of the fifth President of the Republic of Iceland Prof. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.

1 March 2016
Nikolay Petkov joined the SUADA team. Nikolay will work on GNSS application for convection and fog monitoring.

16 February 2016
SUADA database web interface has been updated. The new SUADA version 4 database is now available and fully functioning. Every visitor is welcome to use our download page to retrieve data from our database and compare it with their own data and measurements. If you have some problems with accessing the database, please write to for more information.

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31 December 2015
Tzvetan Simeonov participated in BNT review of the 2015 scientific achievements.

22 December 2015
The SUADA v4 is now ready for testing. This version has a major change in the structure and includes fully the NWP data from the WRF model. Thanks to Tzvetan for his work and effort!

18 December 2015
Today is the goodbye party of Tzvetan Simeonov. Tzvetan is starting to work at GFZ. Congratulations! We will miss you!

3 December 2015
Tzvetan Simeonov and Assoc. Prof. Elisaveta Peneva participated in Bulgarian National Radio emission about the "Paris Climate Change Conference COP21".

30 November 2015
Nikoaly Petkov joined the SUADA team. It is pleasure to welcome Nikolay in our team and we look forward to work with him!

23 November 2015
Congratulation to Evgenia Egova, Evgeni Vladimirov and Martin Slavchev for receiving their MSc diplomas! Here is the picture.

17 November 2015
The third GNSS video is completed. It is called Soil moisture and GNSS: Explained and is available on Youtube. Enjoy!

29 October 2015
Guergana Guerova attended and gave two oral presentations at the 5th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 27-29 October 2015, Braunschweig, Germany.

8 October 2015
Guergana Guerova was a lecturer at the 1st International Training School on "Convective and volcanic clouds detection, monitoring and modeling", Castiglione del Lago, Italy, 4-9 October, 2015.

1 October 2015
Guergana Guerova, Anastasia Stoycheva, Martin Slavchev and Tzvetan Simeonov participated in the 3rd GNSS4SWEC working group meeting in Wroclaw, Poland, 29 September-1 October 2015.

18 September 2015
Assoc. Prof. Rumjana Mitzeva attended the European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS), 14-18 September 2015, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, and gave a poster presentation titled "Use of GNSS water vapour for severe weather studies in Bulgaria: hail and heavy rain in 2012".

9 September 2015
The "GNSS Meteorology: Explained" received Honourable Mention for Outreach & Communication Project at the EMS & ECAM in Sofia, Bulgaria.

9 September 2015
Guergana Guerova and Jonathan Jones chaired the OBS4 session "Meteorological observations from ground and space-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)" at the EMS & ECAM in Sofia, Bulgaria.

9 September 2015
Guergana Guerova, Anastasia Stoycheva and Tzvetan Simeonov gave oral presentations and Ilian Manafov gave a poster presentation at the EMS & ECAM in Sofia, Bulgaria.

2 September 2015
The "Study of fog in Bulgaria by using the GNSS tropospheric products and large scale dynamic analysis" is in press in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

20 August 2015
Guergana Guerova presented the ongoing work in GNSS Meteorology in Bulgaria/South-Eastern Europe at the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

1 August 2015
Evgenia Egova is now working at the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. Congratulations Evgenia!

1 July 2015
Martin Slavchev, is accepted as a PhD student in the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. Good luck, Martin!

24 May 2015
Guergana Guerova, Anastasia Stoycheva and Tzvetan Simeonov attended and gave oral presentations at the FIG working week in Sofia, Bulgaria.

22 May 2015
Keranka Vassileva attended and gave oral presentation tittled "SUGAC: Sofia University GNSS Analysis Center"at the United Nations/Russian Federation Workshop on the Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, 18-22 May 2015, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

18 May 2015
Volker Schwieger and Guergana Guerova chaired the session "TS01G - Atmospheric Aplication of GNSS" at the FIG working week in Sofia, Bulgaria.

17 May 2015
The second GNSS4SWEC workshop took place in Thessaloniki and the SUADA team was presented by Guergana Guerova, Anastasia Stoycheva and Tzvetan Simeonov.

15 May 2015
Guergana Guerova was member of F. Ahmed's PhD examination committee at University of Luxembourg.

14 May 2015
Tzvetan Simeonov and colleagues presented "Science and Hollywood" at Sofia science fest 2015.

7 May 2015
Guergana Guerova and Ventsislav Danchovski attended the COST Action ES1301 - TOPROF meeting in Granada Spain, 5-7 May 2015.

23 April 2015
Congratulation to Evgenia Egova and Martin Slavchev for defending their MSc theses with excellent marks. Evgenia's thesis is available here. Download Martin's thesis here. Enjoy!

17 April 2015
Tzvetan Simeonov attended and gave a poster presentation at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015.

18 March 2015
Session on "Meteorological observations from ground and space-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)" at the 15th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS), 7 – 11 September 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1 March 2015
A special session on “Atmospheric application of GNSS” in Commission 5 program of the FIG working week, 17-21 May 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

3 February 2015
The second GNSS video is ready. It is called The Ionosphere and GNSS: Explained and is already availible on youtube. Enjoy!

16 January 2015

The "GNSS Meteorology: Explained" video was awarded first place in the Marie Curie Alumni Association, Communication Working Group (MCAA CWG) video competition . Thank you to the jury and MCAA CWG for the possibility to advertise the video!

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31 December 2014
Tzvetan Simeonov participated in BNT review of the 2014 scientific achievement.

2 December 2014
Keranka Vassileva gave oral presentation tiled "Fog forecast impact studies for Sofia Airport: Numerical Weather Prediction simulation and use of GNSS tropospheric products" at the United Nations/ICTP Workshop on the Use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems for Scientific Applications, 1-5/12/2014, Trieste, Italy.

1 December 2014
Martin Slavchev joined the SUADA team. Martin is working on his MSc thesis on development of hight resolution 2D IWV maps for Bulgaria and Greece to study 22 precipitation cases in 2012.

24-28 November 2014
Tzvetan Simeonov attended the NAPEOS training course held at ESA Mission Control (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany.

10-14 November 2014
Guergana Guerova gave a series of lectures on Synoptic Meteorology at the staff training of the Bulgarian Hail Suppression Agency.

7 November 2014
Guergana Guerova and Tzvetan Simeonov gave talks at the 24th International symposium "Modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields" in Sofia, Bulgaria.

23 October 2014
Guergana Guerova is awarded outstanding reviewer status for Advances in Space Research journal. This status is awarded to the top 10th percentile of reviewers for the Journal, in terms of the number of manuscript reviews completed in the last two years.

20-24 October 2014
Professor Norman Teferle from the University of Luxembourg is visiting the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics of Sofia University this week. Prof. Teferle will give the following lectures:

  1. 21.10.2014 5-7 pm: Guest speaker at Club “Cyclone” - "Remote sensing of the atmosphere with geodetic techniques. Current Research at the University of Luxembourg"
  2. 22.10.2014 5-7 pm: "Climate and Sea Level Changes"
  3. 23.10.2014 10-12 pm: "Terrestrial and Space-based Techniques for Monitoring Millimetric Land Level Changes"
  4. 23.10.2014 12-2 pm "Vertical Land Movements for Sea Level Studies in the United Kingdom: Evidence from GPS, Absolute Gravity and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry"

The visit is part of the ERASMUS teaching staff exchange agreement between the Department and University of Luxembourg.

19 October 2014
Congratulations to Nikolay Petkov! His study of 25 weather related sayings from the Bulgarian folklore was published in the third issue for 2014 of the popular science magazine "Priroda" of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

9 October 2014
The SUADA GNSS video "GNSS Meteorology: Explained" is one of the 7 short videos selected in Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) Video Competition. MCAA members will vote until 17th November 2014 and we look forward to the results.

1 October 2014
Tzvetan Simeonov's article on GNSS Meteorology was published in the BBC Klowledge Bulgaria magazine, vol. 58/2014

24 September 2014
The good-bye party of the SUADA team member Evgenia Egova. Evgenia will be at University of Bonn, Germany for one semester ERASMUS exchange. We wish her "gute Reise"!

14 September 2014
Tzvetan Simeonov, Evgenia Egova, Nikolay Penov and Biliana Mircheva attended the GNSS4SWEC summer school 8-11 September 2014, Golden Sands, Bulgaria.

21 August 2014
The SUADA paper is published in the Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.

23 July 2014
Congratulation to Biliana Mircheva and Nikolay Penov for defending their BSc theses with excellent marks. Well done!

1 July 2014
Stoyan Stoyanov jointed the SUADA team. Stoyan is going to work with ceilometre and GNSS IWV data to study the Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics.

1 July 2014
Zlatina Dimitrova jointed the SUADA team. Zlatina is going to work on the GNSS for ionosphere monitoring video project.

23-27 June 2014
At the IGS workshop "Celebrating 20 Years of Service" Guergana Guerova's presented one oral and 3 poster presentations.

24 May 2014
The GNSS meteorology video was presented as a part of Guergana Guerova's lecture at the Space Expo visit to Sofia, Bulgaria.

19 May 2014
The GNSS meteorology video is available in the outreach section and on Youtube . Enjoy!

28 April - 16 May 2014
Peter Szabo, from the Climate Modelling Group of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest, Hungary, visited Sofia University for a GNSS4SWEC Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM). The STSM aimed to facilitate the use of GNSS tropospheric products in the ALADIN-Climate regional climate model.

9 April 2014
The youngest member of the Club "Cyclon" Nikolay Petkov, presented a study of 25 weather related sayings from the Bulgarian folklore.

25 March - 6 April 2014
Tzvetan Simeonov visited Prof. Norman Teferle group at University of Luxembourg for 2 weeks training on GNSS processing with the NAPEOS software. The training is a first step towards establishment of the Sofia University GNSS Analysis Centre (SUGAC).

13 March 2014
Tropospheric products from over 40 GNSS stations in Greece (blue pointers) are added to the SUADA via collaboration with Prof. Chris Pikridas from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

13 March 2014
Biliana Mircheva joint the SUADA team. Biliana will work on her BSc thesis titled "GNSS radio occultation".

1 March 2014
Congratulations to Nikolay Penov for qualifying for the final competition of the Bulgarian Famelab. Nikolay impressed the jury with the topic of "optical phenomenon mirages". We wish him success in the final on May 9!

26-28 February 2014
Guergana Guerova participated in the GNSS4SWEC workshop in Munich, Germany.

Ilian Manafov and Tzvetan Simeonov attended the International Symposium on Data Assimilation 2014.

25 January 2014
Work on the SUADA GNSS video started with the development of concept and first experiments with the photographic equipment.

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13 December 2013
Guergana Guerova gave an oral and a poster presentation at the 46th annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA.

4 December 2013
Guergana Guerova is the first Bulgarian elected as associate members of the International GNSS Service (IGS).

4 December 2013
Guergana Guerova gave two talks at the 4th Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Prague, Czech Republic.

30 November 2013
Petya Petkova's article "Monitoring earthquakes with GNSS" is published in the forth issue for 2013 of the popular science magazine "Priroda" of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

25 November 2013
Congratulation to Nikolay Penov for receiving the Sofia University "Alma mater" award for excellence in study and research!

7 November 2013
Guergana Guerova gave a talk at the 23th International symposium "Modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields" in Sofia, Bulgaria.

22 October 2013
The People page is updated. Added is our contribution to the GNSS4SWEC project.

16-17 October 2013
Guergana Guerova, Nadezhda Yordanova, Evgenia Egova and Tzvetan Simeonov presented SUADA status and future development at the first COST ES1206 GNSS4SWEC working group meeting in Valencia, Spain.

1 October 2013
New group for weather enthusiast named Club "Cyclon" is established at the Department of Meteorology and geophysics. Twice monthly Dr. Guergana Guerova and Krasimir Stoev, operational weather forecaster at the Bulgarian National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, will shear the secrets of weather forecasting. Bachelor students year 1 to 3 welcomed!

27 September 2013
Guergana Guerova, Tzvetan Simeonov and Ilian Manafov gave talks at the 2nd National Physics Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria. Nadezhda Yordanova presented a poster.

4 September 2013
A poster titled "IAG 4.3.3 working group - Integration of GNSS atmospheric models with NWP models" by J. Bosy, H. Vedel, J. Jones, J. Dousa, R. Pacione, G. Guerova, N. Teferle, Sh. Song, A. Furqan and J. Kaplon is presented at the IAG Scientific Assembly in Potsdam, Germany.

22 July 2013
Congratulation to Evgenia Egova and Evgeni Vladimirov for defending their BSc theses with excellent marks.

2 July 2013
Guergana Guerova gave a lecture on GNSS Meteorology at the second GfG2 Summer School in Potsdam, Gemany 1-3 July. From the SUADA team Nadezhda Yordanova, Tzvetan Simeonov and Petya Petkova's attended the school.

6 June 2013
Will the summer be cold? Watch Tzvetan Simeonov answering questions in the Forenoon show on bTV.

17 May 2013
Guergana Guerova is elected a vice chair of the COST ES1206 Action .

29 April 2013
Evgeni Vladimirov is in the Bulgarian Famelab final. Evgeni impressed the jury with the problem of "the space trash". Congratulations and best wishes for the final on May 10! We will join you on Friday!

25 April 2013
Congratulation to Nadezhda Yordanova and Tzvetan Simeonov for defending their MSc theses with excellent marks. See the pictures here.

24 April 2013
Tzvetan Simeonov is interviewed in the documentary film on climate change "Seven moments from the future".

19 April 2013
Guergana Guerova is in the expert video highlight of the GfG2 Second Roadmap Workshop in University of Leicester, UK.

24 March 2013
! NB Guergana Guerova wrote: The web access to the SUADA data is restored. Thank you for your patience!

17 March 2013
Guergana Guerova wrote: The web access to the SUADA data is temporary closed due to ongoing update of the database including improvements of the tables. The access will be restored by latest 22.03.2013. Data request are accepted my sending email: . Thank you!

15 February 2013
Nikolay Penov's article "Monitoring migrations with GNSS" is published in the first issue for 2013 of the popular science magazine "Priroda" of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

13 February 2013
WRF model is running operationally on Physon. Check the animation in the WRF Weather Forecast section.

11 February 2013
Guergana Guerova is elected member of WG4.3.3 Integration of GNSS atmosphere models with NWP models of the Sub-Commission 4.3: Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Atmosphere of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG).

8 February 2013
Welcome party of Tzvetan Simeonov. Tzvetan is back after one ERASMUS semester at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

22 January 2013
Guergana Guerova is nominated as a Bulgarian representative in the Management Committee of the COST Action ES1206.

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3-7 December 2012
A poster titled "G11A-0901: International Collaboration in the field of GNSS-Meteorology and Climate Monitoring" by Jonathan Jones, Guergana Guerova, Jan Dousa, Olivier Bock, Gunnar Elgered, Henrik Vedel, Eric Pottiaux, Siebren de Haan, Rosa Pacione, Galina Dick, Junhong Wang, Seth I Gutman, Jens Wickert, Kalev Rannat, George Liu, John J Braun, Yoshinori Shoji was presented at the 45th annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA.

5 December 2012
Start of a new COST Action ES1206 "Advanced Global Navigation Satellite Systems tropospheric products for monitoring severe weather events and climate (GNSS4SWEC)".

22 November 2012
Congratulations to Evgeni Vladimirov for receiving the Sofia University "Alma mater" award for excellence in study and research

13 November 2012
Today Guergana Guerova gave an overview lecture on "Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS): GPS, GLONASS and Galileo" at the National Culture High School, Gorna Bania, Bulgaria.

9 November 2012
Nadezhda Yordanova and Evgeni Vladimirov gave oral presentations at the young scientists session of the 22th International symposium "Modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields", Sofia, Bulgaria

9 November 2012
Stations location map added to In Brief section

26 October 2012
Welcome to the new team member Evgenia Egova!

22 October 2012
Nadezhda Yordanova is in the student highlight video of the GfG2 Summer school in Nottingham

13 October 2012
The third and fourth satellites of Europe’s Galileo global navigation satellite system were lofted into orbit on 12 October from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.

30 August 2012
The good-bye party of the SUADA team member Tzvetan Simeonov. Tzvetan is leaving for University of Bern, Switzerland for one semester ERASMUS exchange. We wish him "gute Reise/bon voyage"!

24 August 2012
GNSS meteorology concept is uploaded in the section In Brief

13 August 2012
Our team leader is on the news! Watch Guergana Guerova speaking about "Heat waves and climate change" on the evening news of the Bulgarian National Television on August 13th.

12-16 August 2012
Nadezhda Yordanova and Nikolay Penov will attend the GfG2 Summer school in Nottingham, UK. Nadezhda will present the first results of "Applications of GNSS for severe weather events in Southeast Europe".

23-27 July 2012
At the IGS workshop in Olsztyn, Poland the database was presented on the poster: "SUADA: Sofia University Atmospheric Data Archive". A newly proposed COST Action "Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products for the Monitoring of Severe Weather Events and Climate (GNSS4SWEC)" was presented by Dr. Jonathan Jones.

July 2012
Guergana Guerova became a member of the working group WG4.3.3 Integration of GNSS atmosphere models with NWP models in Sub-Commission SC 4.3 – Remote sensing and modelling of the atmosphere of the International Association of Geodesy .

11 May 2012
Congratulations to Tzvetan Simeonov who received the special award “Internship in the News Division” of the Bulgarian National Television at the Bulgarian Famelab competition final!

1 March 2012
Welcome to the new team members Nadezhda Yordanova and Evgeni Vladimirov.

19-20 January 2012
Our team hosted a COST pre-proposal drafting meeting attended by Jan Dousa (GOP, Czech Republic), Jonathan Jones (Metoffice, UK), Galina Dick (GFZ, Germany), Olivier Bock (IGN, France) and Guergana Guerova (Sofia University, Bulgaria).

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25 November 2011
Congratulations to Tzvetan Simeonov who received the Sofia University "Alma mater" award for excellence in study and research!

October 2011
Dr. Guerova become a member of the IGS Troposphere Working Group. Dr. Guerova is the first Bulgarian member of an IGS Working Group.

31 August-2 September 2011
At the 3rd International Colloquium - Galileo Science in Copenhagen, Denmark our team presented "GNSS and heat waves: case studies for 2003 and 2007".

12 August 2011
An article titled ”How to write project / Career opportunities for young scientist in Bulgaria”, in the Bulgarian newspaper ”Kapital”, presents Guergana Guerova experience with writing a Marie Curie project.

21 July 2011
Congratulations to Tzvetan Simeonov for the successful defend of his BSc thesis "Application of ground-based GNSS meteorology in Bulgaria"!

16 April 2011
Congratulations to Guergana Guerova for winning the 3rd place award with the speech "GPS and weather prediction" at the 17 annual Japanese language speech contest organised by the Japanese Embassy in Bulgaria!

4-8 April 2011
At the EGU conference in Vienna, Austria we presented "Water vapour anomaly during the 2003 and 2007 heat waves in Switzerland and Bulgaria".